Welcome to the DTRG 2024 Indoor Drone Competition page.
Here you will find the latest rules updates and the flight training sessions. Any updates will be added to the main rules PDF, with a summary of rules updates provided in the Rules Update Summary section.
To stay up-to-date with any updates, please use the form below:
The competition date is set for Wednesday 11 September, 3:30 pm to 7 pm, in Week 7 of Semester 2. Please see below for details of the day itself.
Note that this competition is only open to University of Auckland Engineering Undergraduate Students in Parts I, II and III. Specific requirements for competition eligibility are:
- All team members must be University of Auckland Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) students in Part I, II, or III.
- Teams must consist of one, two, three, or four members.
- Only Team Member(s) who have attended at least three of the training sessions by Monday 26 August (scheduled below) will be permitted to fly during the competition (Pilot Competitor). Teams must have at least one Pilot Competitor to compete in the final contest.
- Teams must have registered with the organisers in order to compete. Registration is now closed.
Upon registration, you may collect a servo from Associate Professor Karl Stol. - Details for the servo attachment may be found below.
Competition Day
The competition will be held on Wednesday 11 September (Week 7), from 3:30 pm to 7 pm, in the Motion Capture Laboratory (Room 405-836E).
By 12 pm, all teams will be assigned their 15 minute time slots, announced via email and the competition web page.
Teams will be briefed at 3:30 pm. The first flight will be at 4 pm (with 10 minutes given for set-up).
Prizegiving will be at 6:40 pm.
We have had nine teams confirm their registration. The nine teams are:
AeroPredators | BenRyan | Drone | Endroneers | JARS |
JCFD | JETS | The Civil Engineers | Wombat Drone |
The guidelines for sample collection attachment can be found here:
Rules Update Summary
12 July 2024: Initial Release.
29 July 2024: Web page updated to include provisional date, registration and notification forms.
2 August 2024: Servo attachment guidelines uploaded.
19 August 2024: Eligibility, competition day details updated.
26 August 2024: Updated Rules Document uploaded (Section 3 updated to expand on commands pilot competitor can use, Section 4 updated to include maintaining aircraft heading). Updated page to reduce repeated text, state collection attachment (rather than servo) guidelines. Registration closed, flight training restricted to registered teams.
29 August 2024: Competition times updated, teams announced
Flight Training and Test Sessions
Flight training sessions are only available for registered teams. All flight training and tests will be supervised by senior DTRG pilots.